• You should suck from the tube like you are breathing.

• While you are smoking, you should not suck too long and so frequently.

• You should put cold water into the glass base of the water pipe and some ice into it.

• If you have a problem with your throat like coughing, loosing breath during your smoking session, you should pick the charcoals off the bowl to let the bowl and tobacco get cooler. At the meantime, you should puff off the dense air out of the glass base from the hose through the air release marble by blowing it. After a short period, you should put the charcoal back on the bowl again then go on smoking.

• It is recommended to puff through the tube at certain intervals to release the high density air out of the glass base from the air releasing valve to enhance your smoking experience. If the air is not discharged from the air release valve, although you puffed from the tube, you should unscrew the valve from right to the left then clean the small ball and its hose and after cleaning and drying, it should be screwed again.

• The average smoking time your water pipe is 1-1.5 hours (it may vary from size of the tobacco bowl).
• It is recommended not to smoke the same tube used with cappuccino-coffee flavor tobaccos with other ones.
• We recommend you to add at least 50% milk into the water you put in the glass base with a dessertspoonful coffee when you smoke coffee and cappuccino flavored tobacco to have a cooler smoke.

• According to the type of the tobacco flavor you are smoking, you can also add the same flavored powder of the same fruit into the glass base.

• Keep your tobaccos in airtight pots after you open its original packing.
• You can enjoy gracious smoking by adding up one or two small pieces of mint tobacco into the tobacco in your bowl.

• We recommend you to smoke outside but not in windy places.

• It is recommended not to smoke in short periods. Smoke in relaxing times.

• You should smoke your water pipe with your friends so that you can have chat.

• You should wash the glass base, truck and bowl, after every smoke.

• You should smoke on a full stomach.

• While smoking you water pipe, it is recommended to eat salty cereals (preferably salty peanuts can be eaten).

• You can wash your elastic tube once a month. You should dry it at natural atmosphere by hanging and not leaving any water in it.